There are several media that you can use if you are in urgent need of cash, especially in a recession, or if you simply want to get rid of some of your gold jewelry. You can take you gold to a jeweler or to a pawn shop.
Gold prices often fluctuate and for the same gold jewelry, you can get different quotations. It is up to you as the seller to do a proper research of the best time to sell. If you need the cash so badly, you may not be in a position to wait for gold prices to rise. However, there are still other things you need to consider that could lead to a significant difference in the valuation of your gold jewelry.
Selling to a pawnshop in Johannesburg is definitely a better option than selling to jewelry stores. You should, however, conduct a thorough research of the pawnshops, including online pawnshops in Johannesburg to make sure you settle with a pawnbroker that will give you the best deal. For instance, you should consider the reputation and reviews of other customers.
Pawnshops give you a portion of the actual value of your gold jewelry. Thus, to get a better deal, you should choose a pawnshop that knows how to determine the value of your gold accurately and that is honest. The best way to determine this, other than people’s recommendations, is to window shop. Visit a number of pawnshops in Johannesburg and let them give you a value. You will find out that the value you are offered for you to sell your gold jewelry varies slightly or greatly and from your list, select the pawnshop that offers the highest value.
If you are not certain that you want to sell your gold, you can choose to pawn the gold with a trusted and insured pawnshop. This way, you will get the much-needed cash and you will have back your jewelry after repaying your loan plus interest.