When you have a bunch of things sitting around your home and you simply do not want them anymore, you may be looking for something that you can do to free up some space and perhaps put a little much-needed cash in your pockets this holiday season. When you have decent items, such as gold and jewelry or even laptops and cameras, you can always sell them for some money. If this is what you are looking to do, and you are in the Fourways, Johannesburg area, you can bring the unwanted items down to the local pawn shop and let us get some money in your pocket this holiday season.
You will see that at the Fourways, Johannesburg pawn shop, we are willing to not only buy those items that you no longer want, but we are also able to give you cash loans for your items when you need it the most. All you will need to do is pack up the things that you want to temporarily pawn and bring them down to the shop so that we can give you the money. When you have the money to pay us back, you will simply make your payment and then pick up your items again. They will never be sold or damaged but used as collateral for a loan. You can even pawn your car at our pawn shop if you want to and you feel that you need money that badly. If you do not want the car anymore, we will make you a fair offer based on the current market price so that you can pawn the car for cash and get it off your hands so that you get the money you need.
We are highly experienced with buying, we will take a look at them and assess their value to give you the best offer. We are also happy to purchase gold that can be scrapped if you have it and want to make some money from it. If you do not feel that we are offering you enough money for your items, you do not have to take our deal and can feel free to go elsewhere, but we are confident that we will offer the most money for your items.
We are happy to be a pawn shop, so you can come in at any time, day or night and we will be able to help you own. Again, we are happy to give you cash for your items, whether you have expensive jewelry, coins, or gold, and will happily buy them from you or hold them until you pay your loan back. If you need some money and you’re in the Fourways, Johannesburg area, come on down and make us a deal!